Dwi Grawana Chalista, Chosen as a Participant in the Study Program of the U.S Institute (SUSI) for Summer 2022 at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA

Congratulations to Dwi Grawana Chalista @justkidfrom_home , a student of the 2019 Biotechnology study program has been selected to be a Participant in the Study Program of the U.S Institute (SUSI) for Summer 2022 at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA in June-July 2022.

Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) is an intensive short-term academic program that aims to provide a group of undergraduate students with a deeper understanding of the United States while enhancing their leadership skills. Each Institute has 20 participants. The Institute consists of a four-week academic residency with a balanced series of seminar discussions, readings, group presentations and lectures.