Inauguration of Wet Laboratory of Fisheries Science Study Program

New excitement with the new Wet Lab. On Monday, April 17 2023, the inauguration of the Wet Laboratory (LABAS) of the Fisheries Science Study Program, FITH UTS was held. The event was inaugurated by the Chancellor of the Sumbawa University of Technology (UTS), namely Mr. Chairul Hudaya, Ph.D and was attended by FITH Leaders, Lecturers of the Fisheries Science Study Program, Lecturers of the Biotechnology Study Program, FITH Academic Staff, Team from PT. Olat Maras Technology (OMT) and Fisheries Science students. The inauguration of the Laboratory began with a speech by the Chancellor of UTS, followed by a brief remark by the Dean of FITH. After that, the inauguration ceremony of the Lab was carried out. Wet (LABAS) by the UTS Chancellor by putting water into the Fish Farming pond, and then the event was continued with activities around the Laboratory and a brief explanation about the Laboratory, as closing the event a group photo was taken in front of the Laboratory as documentation.

“Thank you to the Chancellor of UTS, the Dean of FITH, the Heads of Study Programs and Academic Staff within FITH, as well as OMT colleagues who in this case were able to jointly attend the inauguration of the Wet Laboratory (LABAS) FITH Fisheries Science Study Program. My message to younger FITH students, especially students of the Fisheries Science Study Program, let’s manage and develop and make our laboratory a learning facility, be it for practicum or research.” Said the Head of the FITH Laboratory, Mr. Adi Suriyadin.

Some of the activities carried out in the Lab. These activities include growing fish, domesticating local fish, analyzing water quality, training and research. It is hoped that the inauguration of the wet laboratory can support the process of learning, research and community service in realizing one of FITH’s Missions, namely carrying out research and community service activities to answer questions related to biological science and technology at the local, regional, national and international levels.