Indonesian Student Entrepreneurial Activities (KBMI in Indonesia) is one of the right places to develop student entrepreneurial spirit. In order to encourage the emergence of young entrepreneurs in higher education, the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, the Directorate General of Higher Education, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) again held the KBMI in 2021.
The KBMI program is expected to be able to support the government’s visions and missions as stated in the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture for the development of new entrepreneurs in realizing the independence of the nation through the development of student entrepreneurship. Based on the letter of the director of learning and student affairs number 1909/E2/KM.12/2021 regarding the Announcement of Passing the 2021 KBMI Selection.
Sumbawa University of Technology has successfully passed 4 KBMI Proposals for 2021 with the title ‘Ganava’ chaired by Yasser – Metallurgical Engineering study program supervised by Dr. Andy Tirta, ‘Jagonya Bakso Bakar’, chaired by Dores Prandika, Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program, supervised by Haryandi, M.Sc, ‘Nonna Joedes’ (a typical Palembang culinary business) chaired by Dian Anggreini, Metallurgical Engineering Study Program, supervised by Dr. Radyum Ikono and ‘Bokca Boba’ were chaired by Yaumi Nur Aziziy of the Technobiology study program and supervised by Mietra Anggara, M.T.
UTS Director of Student Affairs and Alumni Mietra Anggara, M.T congratulated the student KBMI team who passed the funding and remained enthusiastic about the team that was not lucky. “There is still a chance to participate in the following year, keep your spirits up and hone your creative soul.”
Previously in 2020 UTS passed 2 proposals, this year it increased to 4 proposals that passed the funding for the KBMI program. This is inseparable from the collaboration and synergy between various fields, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor I and the UTS community who always support all student activities, of course the Student Team who has worked hard in preparing all the needs in the implementation of this activity.
UTS Chancellor Chairul Hudaya, Ph.D congratulated the students who had passed this year’s KBMI funding, “I believe that creative, innovative young souls like this will be a solution to improve the quality of our human resources. UTS will always fully support students with an entrepreneurial spirit to continue to develop.” said Chairul Hudaya.