Feed Facilities Technical Guidance Activities through the Development of a Feed Bank at UPT HMT Serading

Sumbawa (UTS) – Lecturer in the Animal Husbandry Study Program Mr. Husni, S.Pt., M.Si accompanied by Mr. Muh. Fakhruddin, M.Si Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology (FITH) Sumbawa Technology University (UTS) was invited to the Livestock Development Technical Guidance (BIMTEK) activity which took place at UPT BPT HMT Serading, Sumbawa, Jln. Lintas Sumbawa – Bima KM 11 Serading Village, Moyohilir District, Sumbawa Regency which was organized by the NTB Provincial Department and Animal Welfare and the Forage Breeding Center for UPT BPT HMT Serading Sumbawa on Tuesday, July 25 2023.

   This activity was attended by the Head of the Cultivation of Facilities and Infrastructure Division, Ir. Suryadi AK, M.Si representing the Head of the NTB Province Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Service, Mr. Muhammad Riadi, SP, M. Ec, Dev, and the Director General of the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Head of the NTB Province Cultivation and Infrastructure Division, Head of the Animal Husbandry Service Sumbawa Regency, Head of UPT BPT HMT Serading Sumbawa Mr. Herfan, S.Pt., M.Inov.

   The aim of holding this feed processing BIMTEK is to provide quality animal feed in the dry season by utilizing excess animal feed in the rainy season or harvest season to increase the cattle population. Apart from that, making feed by processing agricultural waste (rice straw) can improve the nutrition and digestibility of livestock, increase livestock body weight and also increase livestock appetite.

   Mr. Husni, S.Pt., M.Si delivered material on feed technology guidance (innovations in processing agricultural waste feed (silage and ammoniated rice straw for ruminant livestock (cattle and buffalo). NTB Province consists of the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa which have been designated as one national source of cattle in Indonesia. The area of ​​Sumbawa Island is about three times the size of Lombok Island and has 55% of the NTB cattle population. On the other hand, Sumbawa has a potential source of feed for rice and corn plants. Sumbawa has been designated as one of the national corn barns. Utilization of crop residues Corn as a feed source should be able to overcome the problem of feed shortages and increase cattle productivity.

   Sumbawa is dominated by dry land, utilizing food crop waste which is abundantly available in the area. Cattle farming in Sumbawa has shown a low level of productivity where lack of feed is one of the classic causes, especially during the dry season. At the same time, this region is blessed with abundant food sources in the form of food crop systems that have not been widely utilized.

1. Making Silage Feed from Elephant Grass

2. Making Rice Straw Ammoniated Feed